dont know if this is the right place to ask but ive been suffering wih all the anxietys for a bout 7yrs now and only started getting help about a year ago and im doing cbt at the momoment i dont take meds im scared to take them as ive heard so much about the side affects specialy on here and it seems that the meds people take doesnt relly help them. but wat i really want to ask is how does every one cope with thier anxietys does every one just get on with trying to live as normal as possible as ive read books and looked on web sites and they all say to find a hobbie or do something u enjoy doing ,but i havent got any of them i try to think wat id like to do and wat i enjoy doing but for the life of me i cant think of anything ,im 54 and divorced and i had 8 children so most of my life it was bringing them all up they are all grown up now so its relly bothering me why i cant think of anything id lke to do so most of the time im just sitting at home just watching tv or tyieding up i dont work and have no friends to go out with so maybe thats why i suffer wih anxiety and just wanted to know if any one else is like me