Months ago I posted about being shocked about how old I appeared in my photos and aged and fat..So I have been working at taking off the weight..and firming up.. somewhat. Anyway I have lost about 16 pounds and I had started slimming down ,thats what I thought.. I suppose not that much as I was really over 30 pounds overweight for my height..

Im 56 years old . .and I see people . friends that I know and i look at them and feel bad that they are sagging under the chin or they have gotten a little more weight in the face or their skin looks bad.. hmmm Im looking at them.. they are all about my age and feeling bad for them..

I look in the mirror and don't see anything real bad.. a few age spots and a place that looks like it needs to be tucked here and there.hehehehe I thought.. Well.. My daughter and grand daughter came and visited and my wife made photos of all of us.. I was so happy to have photos with them made and felt as though I had changed my looks somewhat to the better
and then realized that.. I looked worse than the photos I was complaining about months ago..

I am so freaked out..I could not believe the age spots.. so many .. and then the double ,triple chin.. and hog jowls lol..

I suppose I was talking about it so much last evening my wife went to sleep worrying about it. My complexion looks terrible.I used to have such a creamy ,olive complexion ,healthy and nice.. now every imperfection that can be noticed is noticed.

Im really not vain .. I swear. lol.. but geez.. Come on.. Men are suppose to get better looking with age not worse lol.. Anyway .. I was thinking about Issac Newton and Da vinci when they were old..wondering if they looked like me and then I looked and Newton had high collars and someone painted him a little chubby in the face but stately .. He also had a long wig on and very nicely dressed..I wish I could dress that way I would be so lucky..Then I wondered what Da Vinci looked like..

Fancy this.... Found there are no paintings or drawings of Da Vinci without a long beard..I mean a really long beard..even when he was young..So Im thinking making let my beard grow and grow and grow and wear a hat and sunglasses all the time and my looks will still be old but nobody will no who I am.>I swear im not vain lol.. Just blowing steam off ..and a little shocked.. ..Michael