Hi im new here and today have taken the big step of seeing my GP about the anxiety ive been suffering for over a year along with some depression, my GP has prescribed me Paroxetine (seroxat) 10mg, one a day.
Ive been looking this med up on the internet and am not finding a lot of positive reviews on it, ive read that it gives you weight gain, well im already overweight and hate it so i really dont want to gain anymore, also read that if you miss one dose it can have a really bad effect on you and they can give you bad effects when coming coming off of them. I had fluoxetine a few years ago to treat mild drepression and found them to be good, the GP said i could go back on them if i wanted but i explained that it was the anxiety that i mainly wanted treated so she suggested that i take the Paroxetine but im feeling slightly worried about taking them now, has anyone on here taken them or are taking them now?