I am PETRIFIED of cancer. Recently I had alot of medical tests. Now I am very worried about my radiation exposure. I worried about things in my life but not really my health. I was always healthy. I was under alot of stress at wotk and did not realize it because I was trying to do a good job and be reliable, perfect and not make any mistakes as my boss requests. In additin my commute was 1 to 1.5 hours each way. Well in the end of september 2010 I picked up a virus that I assumed would go away in a few days. After about 4 days it did not go away so I went to the doctor. She ordered xrays of my back for back pain and ultrasound of kidney on a Monday. When they called with the results it was Thursday and I still did not feel better, I got winded from walking four steps, was very tired and got occasiona; stabbing pain in my lower R side. So on Friday 10/8/10 they wanted to see me again and my doctor was out. This doctor ordered a ct scan of my abdomen and pelvis with and without contrast. Prior to this I only had one ct scan of my abdomen 16 years prior and 2 sets of dental xrays in my life. Almost a month later on 11/2/10 I had to have a mammogram because my one breast swelled up a whole cup size in 2 days and was very painful. Also, a month after that on 12/11/10 I went to the ER because the L side of my skull was numb following a headache. My mother had a stroke at 46. I was scared and a neurologist could not see me for 4 months. I felt I could not wait until than. They did a head ct as soon as I walked in. Than when the results came back the doctor came in and said that the results were fine and did I feel better. I stated no, the same. They said they were sending me for another CT with contrast. Well this time the contrast gave me an immediate horrible headache. Before I knew it the CT tech was gone before I could try to remind him to put the lead vest over my chest. Prior he instructed me to nor move because he gets one shot. This test was normal also. My head was numb for a total of 2.5 days I could tap on the back and not feel it. I had alot of tingling in my face the week up to it. They got me to see a neurologist within the week. I told him I was worried about my radiation exposure because I have had too many tests close together and I did not realize a ct scan had this much radiation. I was petrified. He instructed me that an xray was worse or your cell phone and they don't cover you for ct scans. Also he prescribed me Neurontin and had not seen any of my tests. He was supposed to have access to them through the hospital. I asked what the med was for and he said the burning on my skin. I did not go back to him. I had my first panic attack (scary) after seeing what I was exposed to. Also, when I picked up my test results for another neurologist I see they did a cta of my head and neck and the technique stated they started the view in the center of my chest. Since this ordeal I got shingles. An the burning sensation is still there my neck and upper chest since the test. I have changed my habits, eating healthier, juicing, trying to exercise. My doctor instructed me to get a new job. At my job I see alot of oncology cases. I have been doing this for over 1.5 years and it did not get to me. I also had to do someone elses job after they quit with barely no training and was instructed by my boss not to ask any questions and I must be perfect and reliable with no mistakes and if I did this they would create a position for me to work from home. Big joke. All it did was stress me out, made me sick and now I am worse off than before. Also, the next neurologist stated that I am prob. having migraines with no pain. I apologize for writing too much. Has anyone else ever been afraid hey have been exposed to too much radiation?