Hi there.

I hope someone will be able to give me some useful tips on how to cope with the above and also anxiety and depression which came along with it. I had a breakdown 4 years ago and this is the wayi it has left me. I no longer feel part of the world as I knew it and I desperetely want to get back into it. I have a gorgeos grandchild but I can't connect with him as I feel so cut off from everything. The medication I was on didn't agree with me so I am on week 2 of new ad's. Itake an occasional valium but they don't seem to help me much. Somedays I feel I can't go on much longer feeling like this and then I think of my family. Before this happened I had a very responsible job in Student Counselling and I think the stress of this and other personal factors (underactive thyroid) broght all this on. I would be very grateful for any replies.
Thank you in advance
Florrie (a very mature 61 year old)