Hi I am suffering from Panic disorder/obsessive thoughts and chronic anxiety 24/7 I started on 20 mg of fluoxetine (prozac) 11 days ago, and 80 mg slow release proranolol capsule x 1 a day, I thought they were helping the other day, less panic, obsessive thoughts but the last couple of days I have felt jittery, frightened and feel like I am going mad, I am thinking these are side effects and I should hold out for a couple more weeks, but this is terrifying, I'm shaking, nervous and can't calm down to think straight, I am desperate, will I ever get better? can't stop crying either, I have had these breakdowns 4 times in my life since I was 15, I am now 24 and I have always recovered after a course of antidepressant treatment and had nothing for 4 years and managed to come off them for a whole year! until a month ago when I was feeling particularly vunerable it started up again, therapy hasn't helped much, I just want the antidepressants to work again, I took fluoxetine last time and I got better but it was so long ago I don't really remember whether it was the drug or me that got through it, now I am on them again, having confused thoughts and nervousness, really agitated and desperate for reassurance.

:( Thanks