Is it possible that i could have Cancer somewhere or a serious neurological problem?, I'll post every single symptoms i have.

Pins & Needles (Especially in the feet)


Tingling in the lips, face, arms, legs, head.

Twitching in the lips, face, jaws, arms, legs and even in the tongue well it feels like it twitches.

Throat pain/Difficulty swallowing/Feeling like there is an obstruction in my throat/esophagus.

Eye Pain.

Chest Pain.

Feeling short of breath like i cannot breath and feeling like something is obstructing my breathing.

Knee Pain.

Pain in my hands/Hands go cold sometimes even if the house is very warm.

Stomach problems including pain, bloating.

I joined another website recently for people with Anxiety, CFS/Fibromyalgia and Neurological problems and the people on there have said my GP isn't doing enough for me and that i should have already seen/been referred to a Neurologist and a Rheumatologist.

I'm going to give my GP one last chance to make the required referrals otherwise i think i'm going to change GP Surgerys and get a different approach and outlook on things.