As i have said before i know so much about anxiety,but please let me say that again no one could know enuff.

I am having this thing today when my heart moves in a masif way ,like it turns around ... can explain it maybe this is eptopic or something ,im not sure but its scaring me as its happening all the time ... every so often through out the day.. only reason im not panicking is because i am on diazipan.. but i am scared... having a really bad time of it ..i have a different symptom every day... and every one of them are nasty and scary and real.
I tell ya guys i cant cope and i will admit myself in a looney bin soon if this dosnt change ..i feel so ill so weak.. so tired and in so much pain.. im spaced out .. im tripping out .. its all so out of control... i pray to go..
im scared people...

ashley xx