Hi ladies,
Sorry about this but I'm back again with my panic over breast symptoms ... been to the doc this morning after having strange breast discomfort/pains on one side for the last 2 months, she gave me the once-over and said I have very granular boobs (which I knew) - she said she "wasn't convinced she could feel a lump" and that it's 99% probably hormonal but she's "1% not sure" and wants to check again in a month. I know a normal person would be reassured, but of course now all I can think of is that this means she thinks there's a chance something sinister is going on. Has anyone had something like this from their doc? I'm now in a total panic but I'm trying to be sensible ... would she have sent me for tests right away if she thought something was seriously wrong? Is she just being cautious?
Any advice/experience gratefully received, I'm going out of my mind as usual.
Thanks all. x