i would love an answere to this Question and only people that sufer or have sufferd this, Right my heart will always be in the 90s and goes well over the 100 mark all day if i lay down it will stay in the 90s and in the day it will go 120 130 140, it will go down around 115 112 110 then when i sit down it will be in the 90s again, i want to know if this is normal ive had tests done IE. ECGs, ECHO, BLOODS, 24 HOUR Tape thats like a 24 hour ECG, now ive been told this is all ok by the Doctor, i went to A&E the other night only being told i might have a problem with my heart, i asked the doctor what he ment by a problem he said it could be something wrong with the electrics of the heart, now keep in mind ive had all these tests he comes out with this, so now i feel ive been lied to over all this time.
Now i dont want people saying to me thats its all ok i need an answere i know your not doctors on here but if you have had the same problem i would love to hear fromyou and if you can let me know what your answere is, i need to put this to my Doctor on monday morning. so please i hope people out there can help me many thanks ian