Hello all, I am new to this site from this evening. I have seen links to this forum lots of times on Google searches and never really knew what it was all about.

I am a member on some other forums, mostly connected to Bipolar as that is what I thought I had at the time. My Pdoc recently told me that I have anxiety but little depression which is great but this anxiousness is debilitating.

I sweat, my stomach is in a constant knot, my shoulders are around my ears and I get chest pains. My sleep is not good, hard to drop off then up early, leaving me tired later on. Nightmares, very vivid dreams, lack of concentration, foggy head, no memory......oh I could go on but then most of you probably know where I am coming from

The worst thing is that I have desires to get on with things in my life but find that the symptoms get in the way and make me feel like everything is unreachable, unobtainable and pointless. I talk to myself, urging to carry on and I can do these things but I end up feeling rubbish again.

I currently take Propranolol and Fluoxetine but the Pdoc is changing it to Venlafaxine in the next week. Hope it works