please can someone help me I'm slowly driving myself mad :( I had about three ecgs back in august & a full blood count due to chest pain & the doctor said they were normal but ever since I keep having flutters and I had quite a bad one last month that scared the life out of me, it was like a big pause then a hugh thud it took my breath away for a moment & then I just tried to forget about it, my dad died at 48 from a heart attack & I'm really scared. If my standard ECG & blood test was ok does this mean that there's nothing to worry about?
I don't want to go to the doctors to be told that it's just my panic disorder, I havnt had a pain attack in nearly a year now and most often that not I get the palps when I'm resting.
Please can someone advise as I've read posts that say they have to get the palps caught on the ECG and at the time I didn't have any, I have about 4-5 in a month.
Please can someone advise me x