Thank you all so very much for your replies, I really do appreciate it ALLOT.

going to see the neurologist tomorrow, and I feel More spaced out than usual, I think maybe I am worrying subconsciously, in fact I think I have forgot ton what feeling relaxed is actually like, I think maybe i have gotten so used to feeling stressed/worried I live like it 24/7 and think its normal.

I am going to take a couple of herbal sleep aids and try and have a decent sleep, I am tired and think tiredness may make the way I feel worse.

my herbal sleep aids contain some hops, valerian and passion flower (I think) mild but they take the edge of my worry I find, and although they don't make me drowsy at all, I think because they help me relax it is easier to sleep, allot of my problem is that I am actually stressed/worried WHILE I am asleep you see, I have bad dreams etc, clenching teeth in sleep etc.

Am I Awake? Or Still Dreaming?