am having horrible nervous belly type feeling from my ribs to my belly feels like its burning but like a spinning sickly hot feeling & makes me tremble i am omeprazole & gaviscon for this also burning in my right shoulder blade & get either a watery or frothy type saliva in my throat the worse is when i have just eaten
(also wen burning bad in stomach makes me have bad nausea....
then from my belly button downwards my stomach is making the worse wid / bubble type noises but feels like a horrible nervous/shaking feeling like i need to shoot the loo but i don't go (always constipated) & feels warm inside hot not burning like above my belly button but just hot i cant stop worrying & panicing more.... i also get the lower back pains wen stomach kicks off aswel but my main concern is just above my pubic bone & this is happening to me everysingle day just walking round with this nervous scared feeling am worried i may follow through while out as thats how it feels ( i thought ibs you either go the loo or you dont well not me am lingering in the middle
other symptoms - bubble or crazy wind or gurling noises... lots of wind (really smells i wonder y it does smell so bad ??)....
does anyone suffering ibs have this feeling ????