I was completely against the idea of taking meds again having been on paroxetine which had terrible side effects for me but I have been taking sertraline for a week now and I can honestly say I am starting to feel a whole lot better, I am having more positive thoughts, I have more energy and a brighter outlook..not all the time but certainly a lot better than I have felt for the last several months.

The first few days were very hard, the increase in anxiety and the insomnia whilst trying to function at work was difficult at first but each day has got better and I am just worrying less. I can think more clearly, my appetite is coming back a little. I'm not 100% myself yet but so so much better than before.

I now look forward to taking my meds every morning with some food and will continue to take them. I know they might not be for everyone but I glad I've got them. I know they won't solve everything but they will be able to get me to a place where I can help myself (hopefully).

I'd like to thank the people who run the website as it has really helped, lots of useful tips. There also seems to be alot of genuine support from people who understand and I wish I had found it earlier...better late than never as they say.