i have been having bad time eating lately and just cant cope with every mouthful i get bad nausea.... is this all in the head ?? its like i now have a fear of foods i also have a phobia of vomiting and due to my loss of appetite from not eating my stomach has now got so small anything i eat is hurting my stomach or making me feel so full straight away and nausea even days i feel so hungry all day (EXTREMLY HUNGRY) and just wanna eat & eat i still get bad anxiety and feel nausea straight away.....
my boyfriend and family all say its just in my head !!!! but i can really feel it and don't think it is in my head my body is so full up of wind and just wont break today i have eaten ok porridge for breakfast then a snack after but i just get waves of nausea my weight is dropping dramicley i really dont no what to do i go to eat but if i feel nausea or full etc my body goes into panic mode thinking am going to vomit
i have chatted with doctors and they have all exolained to me that food just wont make you vomit etc unless you eat toxins or poison but i just cant stop panicing or when i eat i feel the wind moving round my belly and i panic it just wont come out i need help i do see a counsellor & dietitian who also tell me food wont make me sick but how can i get it through my head and just eat without worrying about bein sick or without feeling nausea afterwards i cant cope with this my body is so hungry and i just feel like a failure

has anyone had an eating disorder and if so how did you start eating again without all negative thinking etc....