hi all, first off i'm new here. i'll give you a brief run down of my anxiety...
for years i've felt dizzy. i think i have an inbalance in my ear and i'm seeing a neurologist next week. but now, i'm in my third year of uni and i've developed a full blown anxiety disorder. my head is always fuzzy, i'm so dizzy i can barely walk, i've developed slight agoraphobia, i can't even go to the supermarket without feeling like something is going to happen. my vision is fuzzy and it basically feels like i'm floating in a bubble. i'm not sure if it's the anxiety or the ear problem or both making each other worse, but i've been through it all...i think i have a brain tumour. i think i have cancer. i think i'm going to die.
hopefully, none of this is true and it's just my anxiety. BUT, i keep having panic attacks at the most inappropriate times. this friday, i have a huge presentation of my final major project, and i'm terrified i'm going to have a panic attack. of course me thinking this doesn't help, i know. but i was wondering if anyones used any successful herbal treatments? i used tesco stress relief and i'm such a hypochondriac i thought i was having a bad reaction and made myself have a panic attack.
i'm quite sensitive to a lot of medication, i've been through many contraceptive pills because they make me feel dizzy, so i really need one that doesn't! and helps calm me down!
sorry for the rushed frantic post!