Hi..im new to this site ,and have been reading some of your posts to do with starting citalopram and coming off them ..
im interested to see what side effects other people are having coming off them ..
ive been on them for about 6 years after sffering anxiety and panic attacks ,and have to say they did work really well ..i went from being on 10mg ,and ended up on 60mg ...
but after going for blood tests ,my colestoral level was getting higher and higher ,which ive heard can be to do with citalopram ..
and my platelets getting lower ..which my gp told me can be caused by these tablets also ,i decided it was time to reduce the dose and come off them ,
i went down by 10mg around every 3 weeks ..and have stopped them for around 2 weeks now ..
and was wondering does anyone else feel ..so tired , lack of concertration, aching limbs , unable to sleep ..slow at reacting ...especially when driving , had pulpitations although they are wearing off now ,and electric shock type feelings..and really dont want to do anything ..