I joined the other day and I've already posted on a couple of threads this week, but haven't introduced myself formally.

I've suffered anxiety since my mid-twenties, I'm fifty nine now... so a long time. It has waxed and waned over the years, but always returned. Mostly it is situational, triggered by certain events, people, and places.

I have had an on-going noise issue with a neighbour for some years now and that has driven me almost over the edge - but I've always managed to cling on somehow.

I have tried various SSRIs to try and cope with these issues, but have never managed to stick with them due to unbearable side effects. I have had a brief fling with Amitriptyline which was a bit unpleasant, but am contemplating trying it again. Lyrica was also recommended.

So I am on here for a bit of support and maybe trying to find out a little more about others experiences of medications I might try.

The site looks quite daunting - but I hope I'll get the hang of it eventually. I'm looking forward to getting to know you all