Iv posted a couple of times but il give a brief explanation, I was on Cit for almost 7 years and i decided it was time to come off them last year, I reduced the dose slowly and took my last 2.5mg in november. Its been 20 weeks since stopping and i still feel awful. I had MRI and CT Scan and both came back normal, Iv had ECG, blood work and basically everything and all cam back normal. My GP now seems to think that its discontinuation Syndrome and that i should go back on Cit just to confirm diagnosis. I think she is a joke! ok lets say i go back on Cit and i do feel better then im stuck on them for life? Right now i have a real heavy head and when i move my eyes or head i get a weird feeling in my head its very hard to explain but it feels really off and this is what causes my anxiety to kick off. Its not a blip im actually depressed and very anxious because of the symptoms its so down hearting. My whole Balance mechanisms are messed up, I wake up with a hangover feeling everyday and i dont even drink (If i drink im drunk after 2 pints lol). 20 weeks seems like a long time but then i think my body has relied on this drug for 7 years so maybe 20 weeks isnt that long to have discontinuation?? I dont know but its making me feel so down. Just wish i could prove it was discontinuation without actually going back on Cit because i never thought id get off it.