sorry to pop up again but wondered if anyone could help me out
saw a new head dr for my pure ocd and he started me on 50mg of anafranil and had two weeks to get up to 75mg. Surprisingly i had very little side effects and then off i went for another four weeks to get to ughty 125mg and again no problems. Yeah thought i had cracked it but then after four weeks of feeling ok ish went back down with a bang, so over the last week gone up to 175mg (for four days)

so now i feel quite spacey and unable to concentrate which i am sure is the tablets but these symptoms make me panic that the drugs have stopped working. In total i have been on these for nearly six weeks but have only got to four weeks on a dose(if that makes sense)
Do i have to give it longer at this dose? have people felt ok on these then need to up dose, is that normal with these drugs?
Should i expect to just get better and better or ups and downs to be expected??

Mnay thanks to anyone who responds