Having a really bad time with IBS, I have suffered with symptoms after getting diagnoised in 1993. Have tried CBT and live on immodiums on bad very bad days. However problems has risen due to job changes that involve more travel and meetings that just set off all my symptoms.
Take the other day for example, had to be out the door at 9am for meeting at 10am after not eating much the day before with fear off anxiety rising, from 7am onwards I had several visits to the loo with loose bm, sore nervy tum, then got to the work meeting venue and it all started again running to the loo, all the way through the meeting I felt like I need a bm and it was really difficult to concentrate on my work. I persume I am bringing on these feelings myself through being anxious? I just want normality in life where normal people just go to the loo, go to work, on holiday and don't think about these things. This is taking over my daily life and not sure what road to down now, GP is fairly understanding but wants me to do CBT again, which helped while constantly going on a weekly basis but once that crutch goes I am back to square one. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks panicangel.