OMG seriously I've not been on here in a while as I've been doing so well with my panic attacks and anxiety, but here i am faced with my worst nightmare I have got really bad abdominal pains and in my lower back, my doctor has said i need a abdominal and pelvic scan to have a look at what is going on, so there is no hospital near me, like 20 miles away, but i managed to ring them and have found a place that does scans only 9 miles away and is not in a hospital just on a ground floor building, I'm not scared of them touching me etc but how on earth am i going to get there, im terrified il freak out and scream and cry and want to run away, and im so far away from my safe place which is home, my husband will drive me and mum said she would come to but all i can do is cry when i think about it, its on the 2nd of June. Ive not been anywhere in like 6 years and i knew one day this would happen, my worst nightmare has come to me.

What do i do? how do i do it? will i freak out? will diazepam stop me from panicking? say 10mg?

Arrggghhhh please help me