The award-winning makers of 'The Choir' and 'Garrow's Law' are making a documentary series for Channel 4 about Hoarding.


In 2012 Hoarding (the compulsion to collect and store excessive numbers of objects) is officially becoming recognised as an illness in its own right. Experts hope this change will make a profound improvement to lives of sufferers.

As new research sheds more light on the condition, we want to tell the untold story of what it’s like to be a hoarder. We’re looking for people who work full or part time, care for a family, are married or in a relationship, who have an active social life, but who also hoard.

Maybe you’re a young mother who has been recently diagnosed, hold down a full-time job but keep your illness a secret from colleagues and friends; or maybe you’re living with a partner who suffers from hoarding and don’t know what to do.

If you think you could help highlight the reality of life for sufferers, or you’d just like to find more out about the project, we’d love to hear from you on 0207 424 7720 or at rachelharris@twentytwenty

Thanks very much.

Rachel Harris