Do you remember the Ian Dury song 'reasons to be cheerful'?

maybe we can all post 5-10 reasons to be cheerful. I'll start.

1. Myself, My family and my friends are all in relatively good health
2. Everton FC are playing their best football for years
3. I have someone who loves me very much and has stuck by me through this difficult time.
4. I know that depression doesn't last forever and one day I'll be better and stronger for my experiences
5. I'm more proactive and I have more purpose than I have ever done before
6. very shortly I won't be working in a job that i hate any more
7. I know that I'm going to make lots of new friends in the voluntary work that I am doing
8. I know that I'm going to do my best to achieve all my ambitions and not put them off like I used to.
9. My 6 a side football team won last night
10. I have already achieved so much without giving myself proper credit for it

Ships in harbour are safe..but that's not what ships were built for.