Hi i've been a member for a few years but like some go through peaks and troughs with my HA and so i haven't posted in a while. Anyway lately my HA has really kicked in, i have been trying to calm myself and not act up to it however i think i'm on the edge as now i have so many things i'm worried about. I get a tinglng going up the back of my head which worries me and makes me think that i may have a tumour!! I also have felt a small lump on the back of my shoulder which i noticed a few months ago but thought it was a mole (which is very close to this lump) and i'm now so panicked that i have cancer i'm finding it hard to sleep and i can feel an actual panic attack coming on. The other night i was unable to sleep, then became to scared to sleep, i had an attack and had to wake my fiance so he could comfort me as i couldn't calm myself.
I have booked a dr appt for monday but i'm tempted to ring and get an emergency one for in the morning now with this lump and mole thing in my head. I don't know what to do, i don't want to become the person who runs to the doc over every little thing like i did before. I hope someone can reassure me!!