Please can anyone give me some advise.
I'm currently 22 weeks pregnant and for the last couple of weeks have been having a few problems relating to my back and bowel.
I'm getting very low back pain that is mainly in my buttocks, i constantly feel like i need to visit the toilet, there is so much pressure there.
When i go to the toilet which is usually once or maybe twice a day, it's looser than usual, sorry if that's too much information.
It's more uncomfortable when i'm standing up as i feel like i need to rush to the toilet. I've been to my doctor twice now and all he tells me to do is take paracetimol, which does nothing.
I'm a really bad sufferer wth health anxiety and i've convinced myself that this is bowel cancer or cancer of the back/tailbone, etc. I've been googling my symptoms and as always have found that i have every symptom of cancer related problems. So i've managed to get myself in quite a state about the whole thing.
Please can anyone advise on my problem, do you think all my problems are related to my pregnancy or do you think i should be concerned?