Hi everyone, this is my first post and Im not too sure the purpose of me writing but it feels good to have gone through others posts and seen their support and that others are also going through what I am too.
I've had agoraphobia for 5 years now and I obviously go through waves of good times and very bad times.
Im feeling quite low at the moment as Im on my university summer break and have just noticed, through having so much free time, how much I am restraining myself from living a normal life. I dont go outside of the town I live in, I dont go on holiday, I dont go out at night as this is when I feel worse, I dont stay over anywhere apart from my own house. Just recently I have started to stop travelling in cars and only feel calm when I travel on the bus.

My sisters graduation is coming up next week and I know that I will not be able to go, I feel such a let down not being able to see my sister graduate. But even if I dont go this still creates anxiety for me as I would then be left at home by myself for two nights as my parents are obviously going to see her graduate. I get very anxious being in the house by myself overnight and have only ever done this with a friend. As at the moment my anxiety is very high I dont even feel I will be okay for two nights by myself even if my friend does come to stay over.

I feel Im wasteing my life, I dont have many friends and certainly dont go out enough to be able to meet a boyfriend. Im young and should be really enjoying life at the moment but I feel my life in its current state is kind of pointless.

Ive been to the drs before about this and have also attended an axiety self help group but clearly nothing has worked so far.

Thanks for reading.
