I thought I'd post this here to get some male opinions on this one.
We've only been going out about 2 months and recently we've been having alot of heart to hearts, my depression and mood swings have been very abrupt and I'll be honest I've not been the nicest person
On Sunday however he said he'd lost his libido, I asked why but said he didn't know. We've jumped straight in at the deep end in our relationship, practically living together etc but last week he seemed fine. My antidepressants (venlafaxine 150mg) have made my libido fluctuate I admit but I still want to have sex.
I'm now anxious and paranoid that it's something I've said and/or done.

Is there anything I can say or do to help? Should I maybe just try to initiate sex and see what happens? I love him to bits and as barmy as it sounds I know he's my soulmate and I don't want anything to ruin what we have.