Okay, so I have been on 50mg of Sertraline everyday now for just over a month. I haven't had any major side effects, I sleep more than usual but also wake up alot during the night...often wake up feeling quite nausea in the morning. I'm tired and exhausted and sometimes my eyes are quite sensitive to the light and they feel heavy. However, I don't know if they have helped me...I can't remember how I felt before all of this started...I feel very lost and confused about how I am feeling. The last week or so I have been very tearful again and sometimes I am not sure why I am even crying?

Has anyone else experienced this? Is it still early days for the meds to kick in and make me feel better? Just a bit confused and I am seeing the doctor on Friday to have a review on the meds and I know he will ask me if how I am feeling...but honestly I don't know...I feel lost and I can't seem to get happy about anything or want to do anything or see anyone?

I am also on 40mg of Propanolol every day aswell.