After some discussion with other ppl on the forum and some extra reading I revisited my GP today and am not starting the prozac and am starting escitalopram instead.

I am doing this for 2 reasons.

1) The prozac is indiacted for depression but not indicated for anxiety which is half my problem and the escitalopram is indicated for anxiety and depression so I need chemical treatment for both so I can put in place lifestyle changes that will sort me out once and for all - so the meds to take away the symptoms while I cure the cause by changing how I live.

2) The escitalopram is a newer version of citalopram and faster acting with less side effects and I have heard of a number of success storys very recently from others who took this on the forum (ty to those who kept me in touch on their progress on it :-) Also I am starting on a dose of 5mg which is not the therauputic dose and will remain on that for a wk so I dont go nutts cos of side effects then push up to a full dose and then hopefully get the reduction of anxiety and the lifting of mood over the coming weeks.

With these done I can hopefully put fully in place a holistic way of living that will see me settled once and for all.

Well heres hoping cos its day 1 tomorrow and will be starting a thread on it.

Best wishes everyone
