Hi just wanted to thank everyone for all the support while i was at my wits end with anxiety and an inner ear problem, which left me dizzy, taking panic attacks, shakey, i almost felt as if i was going off my head, and was unable to go to work for around 5 months.

After being subscribed the usual beatablockers, and a handful of other drugs, i was given Paroxetine, i started on a 10mg dose, and after 2 weeks it was increase to 20mg.

Now at the start all my symtoms seemed to get a little worse, but within six weeks, i seriously got my life back.
Im back at work, feeling normal, socialising, and nothing seems to faze me. I feel like i have got the old me back.

It was really just to say, if you are prescribed this drug...stick with it...dont give up too soon...and things will definately improve.

Knowing how i felt before and how i feel now...i wont be in a hurry to stop taking it...and if all it takes to feel normal again is to pop one tablet in the morning...i can definately live with it...i was terified of these type of meds..as i had never had to take them before.

But trust me...its no hardship...if it means getting your life back on track!!!