This is one of my first posts here, and I was just wondering if anyone else experiences or has experienced the symptom I'm currently dealing with. It's a feeling of pressure in my head, like someone's gently squeezing it - it's not painful, but VERY uncomfortable and can get almost unbearable. It lasts for anything from about 1 hour to a whole day, and can get worse and escalate leading to what I guess is a panic attack (I've had them before but without the head feeling) where my heart beats fast and I can't breathe.

I just want to know if anyone else gets these head symptoms and, if so, what they do to relieve them. Is there anything that makes the feeling go away? My main problem with it is at night, when I can't sleep because my brain just feels like its being compressed and I'm going to collapse. Sometimes it even feels like my head's going to explode, which sounds silly but it really does scare me.

Thank you so much
