Hey guys, hope all is well.

For the past 2 weeks, off and on I've been experiencing weird sensations on both my legs from the knee down. It's like my leg muscles feel tight and heavy and I fell like there's thing crawling on the inside and I feel as if I have to constantly stretch them. When I stretch them, the muscles crack and they start to twitch.

What also scares me is when I'm walking/standing I feel as if my legs are like jelly and it also freaks me out.

Plus on top of that, I also have muscle tension on both my arms, shoulders, neck, and upper chest. When I stretch these muscles they also crack and twitch as well.

I'm really scared guys. I haven't really been doing any type of exercise to cause these pains. I mean the only thing I can think of causing the tension on my shoulders, and chest is that I have a messenger bag(No, I'm not a girl) and I carry my laptop as well as books and maybe that causes the upper muscle tension.

But what about my legs? I'm scared it's a blood clot or some spinal disease. I really am terrified. Even when I'm sitting still I can't stop shaking my legs because I'm so nervous. I'm not diabetic cuz I had a blood test and Urine test only about 2 months ago and all was well. I'm not a girl so I don't get periods or I'm not going through menopause. I'm sorry to bring this all up but I tried looking for similar threads and I only see that women suffer from this.

Please is there anyone who feels like this. Can muscle tension be this bad?