Apologies if I am repeating stuff that has been on recent threads but I'm really scared about this now. I've had palpitations on and off for the last three years. For two weeks now I have been really bloated and had some acid and heartburn and I keep getting palpitations. Since Friday night I have been woken up in the middle of the night with my heart fluttering and pausing, the only way to make it stop is to walk around and try to pass wind or burp. I went to the Dr on Monday and I didn't think he really listened to me, he gave me some tablets for the acid and said nothing about the palpitations. I also got dome Deflatine from the chemist as I'm not keen on taking medication and they seemed to work for a couple of nights. Today I went to the gym and the exercise seems to have made me really bloated and now I have started having the palps again. The logical part of my head says there is nothing to worry about and they are just a side effect of the gloating and made worse by my panicking, but then there's that other side! That is absolutely freaking out and desperate to go to A and E and demand an ECG! I had one three years ago along with blood tests and everything was fine. Should I just try and keep calm and not make too big a deal out of them? I don't want to keep running to the dr for reassurance as frankly I ever feel reassured by my dr! But Im so scared, sorry for rambling on, I just need someone to talk to, my husband is very good and doesn't mind any of it but sometimes his calmness makes me even more uptight!

Thank you for reading this and any advice/comments would be appreciated.