In the future I’d love to be in the position to help others, but at the moment I’m struggling & need a bit of help. I think I’m anxious, a bit down & have lost confidence. I’m a 48-year-old male, married with 2 kids, living with all the normal ups & downs of family life.

About a year ago I noticed that occasionally I had a churning feeling in my stomach & that I started to feel worried about very simple things, this feeling became more regular. Earlier this year while on a family & friends daytrip, I had a very minor accident (I reversed my car into a post while parking) no one was hurt, but I think it triggered a response that was totally alien to me. I felt like a total failure, I felt panicky inside & I was scared. I tried to not to show it in front of everyone but my family & friends there, noticed that something wasn’t right with me. A couple of hours later I felt better & sort of played it down, I felt it was out of character for me & that I had let everyone down.

I’m worried that if I go to the Doctor, I will be offered drugs & will be recorded on my medical records, I feel that this could affect future mortgage applications, Insurances & Job applications etc.

I have tried taking St Johns Wort for 3 months but I feel the same. I have become very withdrawn & feel quite lonely.

If anyone can relate to this & can offer any self help tips, I’d be very grateful.
