Went to the specialist today. Of course no suprizes. Inpm either flawless at research or im physic.... The Spcailist says I have cancer in my right kidney. He says that is tne least of my worries. He says its not big enough to worry about at the moment. As for the adrenal gland well thats the emergency. The mass is bigger than I thought. They showed me my adrenal glan that is suppose to look like someones nose and it looks like a big mushroom. They are scheduling me for an MRI as soon as possible to see. the best plan of attack to remove if he even can. That is one reason to do MRI . Some cannot be removed and have to be treated with meds. This gives you about a five year aurvival rate. Then if they do remove,if they touch one wrong thing it can kill you. There is a 50 percent survival rate on the op table. This tumor is only present in on in a million people. Talk about rare. Anyway they are trying to keep me stable at tne moment with meds and I got to see all my ct scans of my insides and had to wait two hours to be told what I already expected. I went to the cemetery again today to look at my grave site and then came home. If they do the surgery it will be in a medical center 100 miles away with a team of specialist. Anyway this is my update.