Last night i went to work in a bar, its never busy which is quite nice for me because im easing myself back into working with people and trying to get over my clostrophobic feeling. I started at 6 and new i had to stay till maybe 3am so i breathed felt like **** still but thought to myself 'ALL those people on NMP say these are just feelings and nothing else so ul get thru it' nothings happend before why would it now? Anyway there was about 300 in this small bar and it was so hot i cant work in heat anymore cause it makes me more lightheaded/woozy so i tried working thru it and the que for the bar was about 6 rows full of people there was no time for m,e to quickly get air or make a quick exit so i stuck at it, my manager was being a W***ER he was saying come on guys faster these peolle are waiting ages he was panickying because the guiness carlsburg etc had ran out so he had to leave the bar to change it there was just 2 of us serving at least 60 customers a time. I was panicking because he was and i was getting hot and flustered i didnt know what else to do but to walk out otherwise i was sure id pass out. My chest was tight and i wsa finding it hard to get my whole breathe when normally its easy. So i wenty out the back door he told me to come back i said wjhen ive got my breathe and im not being spoken to infront of customers the way u speak to me. he said sorry etc, i didnt wanna go back becauyse i was sure something would happen to me big time BUT I DID IT i went back and somehow i got thru it and the lightheadedness drifted away a bit NOT completely but i found myself calming the situation instead of running away from it. I still think its unfair how sick and faint you do feel with anxiet and panic but hey il get there. You lot can to anyone who gets stressed in a situation go for air for a little while then go back and fight it.

hope u enjoy my story xx