I am doing my best to work through this Anxiety . I am struggling today with whats in my head. I am in the middle of doing 6 days on at work (part time) but its proving a bit much i think. Its a local job and i'm due to go for late shift at tea time. I don't paticularly like the manager ( well in fact i don't like her she's miserable and definately not a barrel of laughs ) you could be working close by her and she doesn't feel the need to speak. I sense she likes to make you tense and uncomfortable.
Anyway to get to the point . At this moment in time before going to work i keep getting flashing thoughts that i need to escape to "bed" and be safe and "relaxed" and can't enjoy the day and also when i think of my manager and whereabouts she lives her and the place become like "unreal" probably because she makes me feel fearful and want to escape her eh.
Finding i'm working this one out myself eh lol. As for going to work and just wanting to go to bed thats trying to "escape" facing doing the job eh. Thanks for taking time to read my hang ups Suz xx