Hi Im suffering and i really need some help im a 22 year old female.... 3 years ago i was involved in a bad accident. I was compensated and was advised to seek cbt therapy which was fully funded by my solicitor as part of my compensation. been so young with a new found wealth ( tens of thousands not millions or hundreds or major life changing money etc) i thought my problems had ended there and never had the cbt therapy to help tackle post traumatic stress disorder. i was completely ignorant and oblivious to the fact that the condition even "existed" or that i could be suffering from it.
I embarked on a new relationship with man whom i grew to love and love very much... bad idea.. I destroyed the relationship from the inside out...my self esteem was disgustingly low and i began to find myself feeling and thinking and saying irrelevant things to make myself feel better in some strange way.. we had an amazing 16 months together.. and we were together for 2 years in total.but what goes in the wash must come out.... This is where my anxiety began to sneak in...i became quite devious around him... its so out of character for me... it was like i was losing control of my life and trying so hard to steer my life in a direction i wanted that by the time i thought things through, contemplated the possible outcomes ( most been negative ) and assessed every avenue.. i hadnt moved at all.. i was basically at a red light for months at a time.. im beggining to get my lovely, honest true character back but im suffering terribly with what can only be anxiety... heres some examples please give me advice:

if i text a friend and they dont reply i instantly feel ive said or done something bad to them..
if i visit a friends house i leave replaying everything i said in my mind worrying about if i have said or done something wrong..
i confide in people and worry they might say something to another, or that someone might misconstrude my words...
i love shopping but noticeably over the past weeks i have just wanted to be in and out
my patience is terribly low.
i become irritated very easily and at times cant tolerate people for a long time.
a few weeks ago i almost ran a red light by accident and stopped last minute i kept worrying that i would get a ticket in the post even though i had stopped all be it after the line.
i just cant live like this.. its painful and debilatating.
i feel incapable of making decisions at times.

thank you :(