Hi, I posted a month ago after having bloods done for tiredness. Well, initially I was diagnosed with iron deficiency anaemia and hypothyroidism, which I kind of expected (have a history of anaemia and thyroid problems). However, GP wanted to repeat tests after a month to double check results before starting treatment. Whilst filling in the blood form, I asked him if he would also check B12 levels (never had a problem with this) and ferratin levels. He ticked the boxes to humour me I think.

Today I have got all the results back and he says my B12 levels are low, my Ferratin levels are very low and my Hb levels are still below normal (as well as low thyroid levels). The thing that has worried me is that he is referring me to a gastroenterologist. I am really scared about why he has done this. Can anyone shed any light on why?
