Quote Originally Posted by eight days a week View Post
This doesn't sound right to me at all.

He's already said he'd give you 2-3 days' worth - if you're that close to giving up college (please please try not to, by the way) he should be trying that.

Can you go to another GP? It sounds like yours doesn't know what he's talking about if he insists there's one 'best' SSRI for everyone. To me it also sounds like he doesn't know much about panic and anxiety...if you're taking someone off an SSRI (which can cause anxiety) diazepam's often used to help, and if they already have an anxiety problem...well, he should be doing more imho.

Have you tried talking to anyone in the meantime to help you through? Panic phonelines?

Really feel for you, hope you feel much better soon
if I go to another GP, will they not get my records and info etc from him and say the same thing?

and I agree it sounds like he isn't really that knowledgable about it, I feel like I know more and I got my information from the internet.

I really don't want to talk to anyone about it or any therapy.. I just don't want to. I don't think it will work and it goes against the entire problem: being around/talking to other people.