I'm 19 and I have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, but because it never used to be too severe (I would just occasionally switch a light on and off until it felt 'right', or count randomly when I felt it was needed, etc), it never affected my life too much, and so I had no treatment.

For the last few months, my behaviour has become more obsessive, for example, when I'm listening to the radio in the car, I'll check the number of the volume and I'll have to say out loud that number a certain amount of times depending on what day it is, (eg. monday-1, tuesday-2, etc)

I'll walk in and out of a doorway until I feel comfortable to walk through properly.

And I have a crazy fear of germs being on my hands, or on the food I'm eating, or them being on an object I've given to someone, and vice versa.

I feel a bit awkward going to the doctors to describe this, I'm scared I'll sound crazy! It's starting to take over my life, so if anyone else has any of these symptoms, what did you say to your doctor, and did you get treatment?