I actually feel desperate now! I suffer with really bad agoraphobia and for a while there I felt like I'd got a grip on it. The came the last two weeks. I haven't been able to go out of the house for more than ten minutes without feelings real anxiety. Then today in class, I walked out-waited in the toilets, then when I went into the corridor, my personal tutor was walking down, I made her go and get my stuff so that I could run home. This is my final year of uni. I shouldn't be this ill still!

When I started my education it was with an aim to get better, yet six years down the line, I'm still ill-sometimes I think I am worse than I was when I started! I have tried to get help but I get offered medication-which I hate because I can't get past the first two weeks. Or CBT which just doesn't work for me. So I feel as though I am left to just cope as doctors don't think I want to change. But surely medication and one form of therapy is not enough to offer a person before you decide they just can't be bothered? I feel so desperate for help and I honestly fear that this will be my life and I have no idea how to deal with that!