Day 4: Ugh, well I wish I had a better report for today, but I'm definatley feeling the effects of increased anxiety and my reflux had been a little worse these past few days. Starting the meds hasn't been as hard as I thought it would be, but I just hate the feeling of being on edge 24/7! I get a little bit of relief in the late evening, but mornings and afternoons are rough.

On the other hand, I did leave my house for the first time in days!! I went to spend some time at my moms house and my sister was also there with my baby nephew. I had a few rough moments and the beginning of panic here and there, but I did get to enjoy the baby, which helped me a lot! I'm going to try and force myself put of the house more, because in the long run I know it help me overcome my agoraphobia.

Ella, so glad I have a support buddy like you that is also on this journey. I am also glad you are doing well and not having too many side effects. I also get sexual side effects so no need to be embarrassed talkin about it! It is such a common side effect... But like you I will take that over the feeling of panic and anxiety any day! Thanks for updating me on your progress... Keep me posted when you can!!