I didn't know what else to do, so I thought I'd post on here...

Having my first "bad" day since I signed up a couple of weeks ago.

I've felt fine for over a week now and the yesterday I felt I was more aware of my breathing, feeling like there's and obstruction in my throat, like I'm not getting enough air into my lungs and today I feel like I've slipped back into my little dark cloud of paranoia and worry... :(

I'm convinced today that I can't breath properly - there must be something wrong with my lungs or heart - I'm back to sighing all the time, so that I feel I'm getting enough air - which makes the muscles between my shoulder blades ache, which makes me even more paranoid.

I feel so sad, I don't understand why I keep doing this to myself. I'm sat on the sofa with my son playing his computer games and my little girl dragging her dollies round by their legs and I feel so unhappy and frightened.

Why do I keep doing this, I feel like I'm going mad...