
My name is Rachel and i'm 23 and i have been agoraphobic since i was a kid but it got worse when i turned 18. I live with my partner and i cant leave the house unless my mum is with me.
I'm on medication but i dont think it's working so i am going back to see a psychiatrist for it. I am also seeing a psychologist again. I didn't think it helped before but i'm trying it all again as i am desperate to get better.
I want to get married and have kids but i cant if i wouldn't even be able to walk them to school or take them to the park. It wouldn't be fair on them.
I am really depressed at the moment as i feel i am getting worse. I heard some people can be agoraphobic their whole lives and i do not want to be one of them.
If anyone has any advice i would really appreciate it.

Thanks for reading.