I have been prescribed beta blockers today. I am pregnant and have high blood pressure (i have a history if preeclampsia). So this is not something being done for my anxiety problems themselves and also not something i can really avoid.
I was wondering though about the possible effects on the symotoms of anxiety that the medication may have?. I am terrified of tablets and really lookingg for a silver lining i suppose. My anxiety has been totally out of control lately the things bothering me most are physical symotoms such as racing heart and shaking especially in the evenings (when my anxiety is worst). The dose i am on is 100 (whatever the measurement is!) in the morning and 100 at night so i know it is quite a small dose to start as my blood pressure is too high to leave but nto amazingly high.

I HAVE been on these tablets before and to be honest i laid alot of the blame for the symptoms i was having on them i thought they were causing e to feel the symptoms of anxiety (i didnt know it was anxiety at the time!) so i am trying not to judge and get in a state before taking them. My first dose will be tonight and im already a little nervous.

Does anyone have experience of this? Although its for my blood pressure oculd they reduce the effects of the anxiety a little as well?