
Am hoping someone can help me!

I've been on Mirtazipine (45mg) for 3 years, with no probs at all.

However, depression has come back with a vengeance, along with anxiety and disturbing thoughts.

As I am 21 weeks pregnant, I was fast-tracked to see a Consultant Psychiatrist today, who was lovely and very helpful.

He has decided to transfer me from Mirtz to Sertraline (50mg pd to start with).

My problem is, I've tried several SSRI's (sp?), and have ALWAYS had bad reactions to them (paroxetine, fluroxetine, etc., etc.).

Is Sertraline similar to these drugs, or does it tend to be better tolerated?

As it's Christmas, I've decided to hold off taking Sertraline until the 27th December, because if I do have adverse reactions, it will spoil Christmas. I know this depression/anxiety which has come back is dilapidating, but at least I know where I stand with it, and can get through Christmas with that, but am worried about taking Sertraline and it affecting me so badly, that Christmas will be ruined

Can anyone please give me some advise? First hand experience? Are side effects for this med bad, or more tolerable than some other AD's?

Thanks in advance for any advice or information you can give me, and wishing you all a very Merry Christmas, and a peaceful, happy, healthy and prosperous New Year!

Nat x