I've suffered this for years but latley it's been worse. I feel everything will contaminate me here's a few examples..when I had a flat pack built some wood glue got on my bed covers and I wanted to throw them away but on this occasion I never. Sometimes I do get the urge and throw away. Today I flooded the toilet in the bathroom and despite it being cleaned I feared carrying germs onto laminate surfaces from my feet. My dog urinated on my last laminate floor and for years I'd get paranoid the smell had set into the floor.

I'm bad with hand washing I have all these routines. Its so bad my skin has gone red expczema like. I fear bleach or any cleaning chemicals. Also under cooked food worries me even if it's well cooked I keep doubting.

In my efforts to be clean I seem be more unclean especially blocking toilets like today. Does anybody else here suffer OCD. I just feel urges to throw away and fear contamination all the time. Big accidents like today make me more anxious. I get this fear with everything's anything